
(11.13)学术报告:New Physics and Foundations of Modern Technology

来源: 时间:2015-11-12 作者:



报告人:曹钢教授( 美国肯塔基大学)

报告题目:New Physics and Foundations of Modern Technology


Modern condensed matter physics research has produced novel materials with undamental properties that underpin a remarkable number of cutting-edge technologies. Moreover, whoever discovers novel materials generally controls the science and technology that flows from them. It is now generally accepted that novel materials are necessary for   critical advances in technologies. Transition metal oxides have recently attracted    enormous interest within both the basic and applied science communities. However, for many decades, the overwhelming balance of effort was focused on the 3d-elements and   their compounds; the heavier 4d- and 5d-elements (which constitute two thirds of the d-transition elements listed in the Periodic Table) and their compounds have been largely   ignored until recently.  We review the unusual interplay between the competing interactions present in the 4d- and 5d-transition metal oxides, and how they offer wide-ranging opportunities for the discovery of new physics and, ultimately, new device paradigms.


曹钢教授,美国肯塔基大学肯塔基先进材料中心主任,国际凝聚态物理领域知名专家。曹钢是国际上最早致力于4d/5d过渡金属氧化物特殊物性研究的科学家之一;由于他在钌和铱氧化物方面开展的一系列极具启发性的先驱工作,使得4d/5d族过渡金属氧化物研究成为当前凝聚态物理研究的一个热点领域。共发表学术文章170篇以上,被引用次达3000多次。著书两部;作国际大会邀请报告及其它各类邀请报告80余次;H-index 大于34;担任美国物理学会(APS)国际科学合作委员会会员,美国物理学会会士 (APS fellow)。
