中国科学院合肥物质科学研究院强磁场科学中心坐落于安徽省合肥市风景秀丽的科学岛,2008年4月30日经中国科学院批准成立,依托中国科学院合肥物质科学研究院管理(科发人教字〔2008〕133号),其前身是2005年12月20日成立的“合肥强磁场科学技术研究中心”。中心目标:发展强磁... 更多简介 +
稳态强磁场实验装置(Steady High Magnetic Field Facility,简称SHMFF)是国家发改委支持的“十一五”国家重大科技基础设施。SHMFF法人单位是中国科学院合肥物质科学研究院,共建单位是中国科学技术大学。各项任务以中国科学院强磁场科学中心为依托完成... 更多简介 +
报告题目:String excitations in the anti-ferromagnetic Heisenberg-Ising XXZ chain — physics beyond universality
Although the low energy fractional excitations of one dimensional integrable models are often well-understood, exploring quantum dynamics in these systems remains challenging in the gapless regime, especially at intermediate and high energies. Based on the algebraic Bethe ansatz formalism, we study spin dynamics in the anti-ferromagnetic spin-1/2 XXZ chain with the Ising anisotropy via the form-factor formulae. Various excitations at different energy scales are identified crucial to the dynamic spin structure factors under the guidance of sum rules. At small magnetic polarization, gapless excitations of psinons and antipsinons dominate the low energy spin dynamics. In contrast, spin dynamics at intermediate and high energies is characterized by the two- and three-string states. The dynamic spectra of the identified dominant excitations evolve with clear energy separations when tuning the magnetic field, conveying a simple and straightforward way to clearly identify the novel string excitations in proper condensed matter systems. Our predictions have been experimentally confirmed on the quasi-one-dimensional material SrCo2V2O8, where the details of the experimental observations will also be discussed.
吴建达博士于2014年获得美国Rice大学的博士学位,之后在Rice大学、加州大学San Diego分校从事研究工作,2017年9月开始在马克斯·普朗克复杂系统物理研究所工作。吴建达博士的主要研究方向有:Quantum phase transition;Quantum critical dynamics and thermodynamics;Bethe ansatz and dynamics in integrable systems;Entanglement and topology in many body systems;Time-dependent many body systems and quantum adiabatic evolution,并在PRL,Nature等国际学术期刊上发表多篇学术论文。
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