
(4.16)学术报告:Electronic Nanofabrication of Complex Oxides

报告人:沈健 教授  (复旦大学物理系)   e8a8dd8f-65db-47d8-a66b-346dda8e6dfc.png             

邀请人:田明亮 研究员

时间:2014.4.169:00 (周三)   



  The development of nanofabrication methods has been the key to success of nanoscience and nanotechnology. Conventional nanofabrication is accomplished by spatial confining structures into nanoscale following the designed patterns. In stark contrast, electronic nanofabrication is done by patterning electronic states of a material system in real space without actual removal of materials. This can only be applied to strongly correlated systems which energetically favor co-existence of electronic phases. In this work, we show that ferromagnetic metallic domains can be patterned in antiferromagnetic insulating matrix in manganites systems using nanoscale stress, magnetic and electric fields. This approach allows us to control the global physical properties of the system and fabricate devices in a desired manner.

   沈健,1992年获中国科学院物理研究所硕士,1996年获德国马普学会微结构研究所博士学位,1996-1998德国马普学会微结构所分子束外延研究组组长,1998-2004美国橡树岭国家实验室研究员,20042009美国橡树岭国家实验室资深研究员,复旦“浩清”特聘教授,物理系主任。1998年获德国马普学会Otto-Hahn奖章,2003年获美国能源部杰出青年科学家奖、美国总统青年科技奖(PECASE),2011年入选美国物理学会会士(APS Fellow)。他主要的研究方向包括纳米磁性、自旋电子学、低维物理、复杂体系强关联效应,在Nature Phys.Phys. Rev. Lett.Nano Lett.等杂志发表学术论文数余篇。
