聚焦拓扑磁性材料、物理与器件研究领域,取得了系列原创性的实验成果:构筑了磁浮子、磁束子两种新型拓扑磁结构,实现了单个磁斯格明子可控电产生、运动、删除及探测,解决了器件构筑核心基础科学问题,展示了基于斯格明子自旋电子学器件的优越性。在Nature Nanotechnology、Physical Review Letters等期刊发表多篇学术论文。获亚洲磁学联盟青年科学家奖、安徽省青年科学家奖、中科院青促会优秀会员等。主持基金委青年、面上,国家重点研发计划课题、中科院仪器研制等多个科研项目。
1. Weiwei Wang, et al., Electrical manipulation of skyrmions in a chiral magnet, Nature Communications 13, 1593 (2022)
2. Jin Tang, et al., Magnetic skyrmion bundles and their current-driven dynamics, Nature Nanotechnology 16, 1086 (2021)
3. Fengshan Zheng, et al., Experimental observation of chiral magneticbobbers in B20-type FeGe, Nature Nanotechnology 13, 451 (2018)
4. Fengshan Zheng, et al., Direct Imaging of a Zero-Field Target Skyrmion and Its Polarity Switch in a Chiral Magnetic Nanodisk, Physical Review Letters 119, 197205 (2017)
5. Haifeng Du, et al., Edge-mediated skyrmion chain and its collective dynamics in a confined geometry. Nature Communications 6, 9584, (2015)